Education Student Loan Fund Trainings Generate Great Interest!
On August 1, 2024, trainings on "Finding the right job", "LinkedIn platform", and "Java" were organized by the Education Student Loan Fund. The event provided valuable opportunities for students and young professionals to gain access to the latest knowledge in recruitment and professional development.
In the trainings, the topics "Finding the right job" and "LinkedIn platform" were presented by Competo LLC Head of Recruitment and Employer Brand Development Department Jamaladdin Rzayev and Internal Communication and Employer Brand Development Specialist Rashad Imanov. During the training, extensive information was provided on effective methods in the job search process and effective use of the LinkedIn platform. Participants benefited from the practical advice and experience of experts and gained the necessary knowledge to plan their career paths more successfully.
At the same time, the "Java" training conducted by Compar Academy's Java trainer Babek Beylarli was highly appreciated by the participants. In this training, the basics of the Java programming language were taught and the participants were given extensive information about practical application areas. The questions of the training participants were answered and innovations in the field of programming were discussed.
As Education Student Loan Fund, we declare that such trainings will be continuously organized for the development of professional skills of young people and their successful integration into the labor market. These trainings, which arouse great interest among the participants, aim to support young people to succeed in their future careers.
Education Student Loan Fund Trainings Generate Great Interest!
On August 1, 2024, trainings on "Finding the right job", "LinkedIn platform", and "Java" were organized by the Education Student Loan Fund. The event provided valuable opportunities for students and young professionals to gain access to the latest knowledge in recruitment and professional development.
In the trainings, the topics "Finding the right job" and "LinkedIn platform" were presented by Competo LLC Head of Recruitment and Employer Brand Development Department Jamaladdin Rzayev and Internal Communication and Employer Brand Development Specialist Rashad Imanov. During the training, extensive information was provided on effective methods in the job search process and effective use of the LinkedIn platform. Participants benefited from the practical advice and experience of experts and gained the necessary knowledge to plan their career paths more successfully.
At the same time, the "Java" training conducted by Compar Academy's Java trainer Babek Beylarli was highly appreciated by the participants. In this training, the basics of the Java programming language were taught and the participants were given extensive information about practical application areas. The questions of the training participants were answered and innovations in the field of programming were discussed.
As Education Student Loan Fund, we declare that such trainings will be continuously organized for the development of professional skills of young people and their successful integration into the labor market. These trainings, which arouse great interest among the participants, aim to support young people to succeed in their future careers.