The project "Step into the labor market with soft skills", jointly organized by the Education Student Loan Fund and Baku College of Business and Cooperation, has been successfully completed!
The “Step into the labor market with soft skills” project, implemented by the Education Student Loan Fund and Baku Business and Cooperation College, has been successfully completed. The main goal of this two-day project was to support students studying at the secondary vocational education level in acquiring soft skills, prepare them in accordance with the requirements of the labor market, and contribute to their professional development.
During the project, students mastered a number of skills that are important for success in the labor market. On the first day, in the training on the topic of “Leadership and Teamwork”, participants discussed leadership principles, effective team building strategies, and the importance of intra-team communication. In addition, special attention was paid to the topic of conflict management, and students learned how to effectively solve intra-team problems.
On the second day, the “Goal Setting and Time Management” training was dedicated to important skills aimed at increasing students’ productivity. The focus was on the topics of proper prioritization and effective time management, and students were explained how these skills would help them succeed in their educational lives and future careers.
The training was conducted using interactive methods, and students worked on individual and group assignments to practically apply what they learned.
At the end of the program, certificates were presented to the participants. Such projects support secondary school students in acquiring, in addition to theoretical knowledge, the soft skills necessary for success in the labor market. At the same time, they provide students with practical experience in various fields, strengthen their preparation for work life, and help them build a more successful career in the future.
In addition, within the framework of the project, students were also provided with detailed information about the opportunities for transitioning to higher education institutions, such as the sub-bachelor level of secondary school education, and the advantages that these opportunities will give them. Graduates with a sub-bachelor degree have the opportunity to enroll in higher education institutions in accordance with their specialization and continue their education at the bachelor's level. This process creates ample conditions for them to develop as highly qualified specialists in the future and be competitive in the labor market.
These types of projects not only help students develop soft skills, but also help them better plan their future education and career paths. For young people with secondary education, the opportunities created by the sub-bachelor's degree are an important step towards realizing their dream of higher education and gaining broader perspectives.
The project "Step into the labor market with soft skills", jointly organized by the Education Student Loan Fund and Baku College of Business and Cooperation, has been successfully completed!
The “Step into the labor market with soft skills” project, implemented by the Education Student Loan Fund and Baku Business and Cooperation College, has been successfully completed. The main goal of this two-day project was to support students studying at the secondary vocational education level in acquiring soft skills, prepare them in accordance with the requirements of the labor market, and contribute to their professional development.
During the project, students mastered a number of skills that are important for success in the labor market. On the first day, in the training on the topic of “Leadership and Teamwork”, participants discussed leadership principles, effective team building strategies, and the importance of intra-team communication. In addition, special attention was paid to the topic of conflict management, and students learned how to effectively solve intra-team problems.
On the second day, the “Goal Setting and Time Management” training was dedicated to important skills aimed at increasing students’ productivity. The focus was on the topics of proper prioritization and effective time management, and students were explained how these skills would help them succeed in their educational lives and future careers.
The training was conducted using interactive methods, and students worked on individual and group assignments to practically apply what they learned.
At the end of the program, certificates were presented to the participants. Such projects support secondary school students in acquiring, in addition to theoretical knowledge, the soft skills necessary for success in the labor market. At the same time, they provide students with practical experience in various fields, strengthen their preparation for work life, and help them build a more successful career in the future.
In addition, within the framework of the project, students were also provided with detailed information about the opportunities for transitioning to higher education institutions, such as the sub-bachelor level of secondary school education, and the advantages that these opportunities will give them. Graduates with a sub-bachelor degree have the opportunity to enroll in higher education institutions in accordance with their specialization and continue their education at the bachelor's level. This process creates ample conditions for them to develop as highly qualified specialists in the future and be competitive in the labor market.
These types of projects not only help students develop soft skills, but also help them better plan their future education and career paths. For young people with secondary education, the opportunities created by the sub-bachelor's degree are an important step towards realizing their dream of higher education and gaining broader perspectives.