
Representative of the Education Student Loan Fund, Mahammadali Abdeen, held a meeting in the regional secondary schools on educating high school graduates about educational loan opportunities.

The meetings were held at Goychay secondary school No. 3 and Lekchiplak high school, in the village of Goychay.


Emin Sheydayev, representative of the Educational Student Loan Fund, held meetings at high schools located in the regions aimed at providing education to high school graduates and their parents about educational opportunities.

The meetings were held at the secondary school of Bozalkanli village named after Y. Sadigov and the secondary school of Ashagi Oysozlu village named after A. Huseynov in Tovuz.


Mahammadali Abdeen representative of Educational Student Loan Fund held a meeting to provide information to graduates of secondary schools located in the regions about educational loan opportunities.

The meeting was held in Zardab city school-Lyceum No. 1.


Emin Sheydayev, representative of Educational Student Loan Fund, held meetings to provide information on educational loan opportunities to graduates in high schools in the regions.

Meetings were held in Qazakh city in secondary school No. 2 named after S. Vurgun and in Qazakh Kosalar village's secondary schools named after I. Shikhli.


Mahammadali Abdeen, representative of the Educational Student Loan Fund, held meetings at high schools located in the regions to inform the graduates about educational loan opportunities.

Meetings were held in secondary school No. 1 in the city of Udzhar and secondary school No. 2 in Kazkumlaq.


Emin Sheydayev, representative of the Educational Student Loan Fund, held meetings at high schools located in the regions to inform high school graduates about educational loan opportunities.

The meetings took place at high School named after F. Salmanov in the town of Shamkir and at high school No. 1 in the village of Duyarli.


On March 1st and 2nd, Educational Student Loan Fund representatives held meetings at the region's high schools to inform high school graduates about their educational loan options.

Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund Fatima Abdullaeva, Aynur Ismayilova and Emin Sheydayev held meetings at regional high schools to inform high school graduates about educational loan opportunities.


A Cooperation agreement was signed between the Educational Student Loan Fund and Baku State University.

The agreement was signed by Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Board of the Educational Student Loan Fund, and Elchin Babayev, Rector of Baku State University.


The representatives of Education Student Loan Fund, Fatima Abdullaeva and Aynur Ismayilova, began meetings at all secondary schools located in the regions to inform students about educational loans opportunities.

The meetings were held in secondary schools No. 12, 18, 5, and 4 located in the cities of Sabirabad, Saatli, Imishli, and Shirvan.


Education Student Loan Fund has held its next meetings in the secondary schools located in Sabunchu district of Baku aimed at informing students about educational loan opportunities.

The meetings were held in secondary schools numbered: 307, 67, 113 and 187


Representative of the Education Student Loan Fund, Mahammadali Abdeen, held a meeting in the regional secondary schools on educating high school graduates about educational loan opportunities.

The meetings were held at Goychay secondary school No. 3 and Lekchiplak high school, in the village of Goychay.


Emin Sheydayev, representative of the Educational Student Loan Fund, held meetings at high schools located in the regions aimed at providing education to high school graduates and their parents about educational opportunities.

The meetings were held at the secondary school of Bozalkanli village named after Y. Sadigov and the secondary school of Ashagi Oysozlu village named after A. Huseynov in Tovuz.


Mahammadali Abdeen representative of Educational Student Loan Fund held a meeting to provide information to graduates of secondary schools located in the regions about educational loan opportunities.

The meeting was held in Zardab city school-Lyceum No. 1.


Emin Sheydayev, representative of Educational Student Loan Fund, held meetings to provide information on educational loan opportunities to graduates in high schools in the regions.

Meetings were held in Qazakh city in secondary school No. 2 named after S. Vurgun and in Qazakh Kosalar village's secondary schools named after I. Shikhli.


Mahammadali Abdeen, representative of the Educational Student Loan Fund, held meetings at high schools located in the regions to inform the graduates about educational loan opportunities.

Meetings were held in secondary school No. 1 in the city of Udzhar and secondary school No. 2 in Kazkumlaq.


Emin Sheydayev, representative of the Educational Student Loan Fund, held meetings at high schools located in the regions to inform high school graduates about educational loan opportunities.

The meetings took place at high School named after F. Salmanov in the town of Shamkir and at high school No. 1 in the village of Duyarli.


On March 1st and 2nd, Educational Student Loan Fund representatives held meetings at the region's high schools to inform high school graduates about their educational loan options.

Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund Fatima Abdullaeva, Aynur Ismayilova and Emin Sheydayev held meetings at regional high schools to inform high school graduates about educational loan opportunities.


A Cooperation agreement was signed between the Educational Student Loan Fund and Baku State University.

The agreement was signed by Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Board of the Educational Student Loan Fund, and Elchin Babayev, Rector of Baku State University.


The representatives of Education Student Loan Fund, Fatima Abdullaeva and Aynur Ismayilova, began meetings at all secondary schools located in the regions to inform students about educational loans opportunities.

The meetings were held in secondary schools No. 12, 18, 5, and 4 located in the cities of Sabirabad, Saatli, Imishli, and Shirvan.


Education Student Loan Fund has held its next meetings in the secondary schools located in Sabunchu district of Baku aimed at informing students about educational loan opportunities.

The meetings were held in secondary schools numbered: 307, 67, 113 and 187


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