
The 1st Republican Forum for Tutors of Universities was organized by " Hədəf" Publications.

Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Board of the Fund, employees of DIM Khanlarzadeh, Veli Huseynov and Vafa Elekber, Shamil Sadik, Founder and General Director of "Hədəf" Companies Group, Fahri Aghayev, Professional Manager and Qulu Ibrahimli, Taxation Specialist spoke on different topics during the forum.


Chairman of the Board of Educational Student Loan Fund, Araz Pashayev together with other representatives of the Fund visited Barda State Administrative and Technological College.

The meeting was attended by Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Board of the Fund, other representatives of the Fund, Khosrov Musayev, Director of Barda State Administrative and Technological College, student teaching staff and parents of the college.


On April 25, education experts had a meeting at the Educational Student Loan Fund.

The meeting was attended by education experts Elshan Gafarov, Elchin Afendi and Araz Pashayev, the Chairman of the Fund.


On April 22, a meeting was held between ADA University students and the Educational Student Loan Fund.

The meeting was attended by Fariz Ismailzadeh, Executive Vice-Rector of the University, Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Board of the Educational Student Loan Fund, other representatives of the Fund, p responsible for the educational loans of the University, as well as ADA University students.


On April 21, Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Educational Student Loan Fund, met with the students of the University of Economics.

The first speaker at the meeting was Vice-Rector for Digitalization of UNEC , Professor Rafig Gasimov, who spoke about the importance of the Fund's activities and gave the floor to Araz Pashayev for a presentation.


On April 20 at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASNIU) a meeting was held between Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Educational Student Loan Fund and Melahat Ibrahimqizi, Member of the Azerbaijani National Assembly, and the students of the u

The meeting was attended by National Assembly deputy Melahat Ibragimkizi, Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Educational Student Loan Fund, Qasim Mammadov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and students of the university.


Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Educational Student Loan Fund, met with students at Baku State University.

The meeting was attended by Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, Student Affairs and Public Relations Ali Agamirzaev and students.


A meeting was held between representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund and the Baku Business University.

During the meeting, Bahruz Azimov, Deputy Chairman of the Educational Student Loan Fund, and Agca Mammadova, an employee of the Fund, provided detailed information about the process of applying for student loans.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts.

The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the organization of joint information work on educational student loans and to consider the possibility of closer cooperation with the university.


A meeting was held between representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund and representatives of the Azerbaijan Medical University.

The directions of cooperation between the two institutions were also discussed at the meeting organized for the purpose of getting to know each other.


The 1st Republican Forum for Tutors of Universities was organized by " Hədəf" Publications.

Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Board of the Fund, employees of DIM Khanlarzadeh, Veli Huseynov and Vafa Elekber, Shamil Sadik, Founder and General Director of "Hədəf" Companies Group, Fahri Aghayev, Professional Manager and Qulu Ibrahimli, Taxation Specialist spoke on different topics during the forum.


Chairman of the Board of Educational Student Loan Fund, Araz Pashayev together with other representatives of the Fund visited Barda State Administrative and Technological College.

The meeting was attended by Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Board of the Fund, other representatives of the Fund, Khosrov Musayev, Director of Barda State Administrative and Technological College, student teaching staff and parents of the college.


On April 25, education experts had a meeting at the Educational Student Loan Fund.

The meeting was attended by education experts Elshan Gafarov, Elchin Afendi and Araz Pashayev, the Chairman of the Fund.


On April 22, a meeting was held between ADA University students and the Educational Student Loan Fund.

The meeting was attended by Fariz Ismailzadeh, Executive Vice-Rector of the University, Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Board of the Educational Student Loan Fund, other representatives of the Fund, p responsible for the educational loans of the University, as well as ADA University students.


On April 21, Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Educational Student Loan Fund, met with the students of the University of Economics.

The first speaker at the meeting was Vice-Rector for Digitalization of UNEC , Professor Rafig Gasimov, who spoke about the importance of the Fund's activities and gave the floor to Araz Pashayev for a presentation.


On April 20 at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASNIU) a meeting was held between Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Educational Student Loan Fund and Melahat Ibrahimqizi, Member of the Azerbaijani National Assembly, and the students of the u

The meeting was attended by National Assembly deputy Melahat Ibragimkizi, Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Educational Student Loan Fund, Qasim Mammadov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and students of the university.


Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Educational Student Loan Fund, met with students at Baku State University.

The meeting was attended by Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, Student Affairs and Public Relations Ali Agamirzaev and students.


A meeting was held between representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund and the Baku Business University.

During the meeting, Bahruz Azimov, Deputy Chairman of the Educational Student Loan Fund, and Agca Mammadova, an employee of the Fund, provided detailed information about the process of applying for student loans.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts.

The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the organization of joint information work on educational student loans and to consider the possibility of closer cooperation with the university.


A meeting was held between representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund and representatives of the Azerbaijan Medical University.

The directions of cooperation between the two institutions were also discussed at the meeting organized for the purpose of getting to know each other.


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