
Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited the Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sports.

The meeting was attended by Bahruz Azimov, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Fund, Agcha Mammadova, Aghamusa Isazade, employees of the Fund, and representatives of student social organizations of the Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sports.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited Baku Slavic University

The meeting was attended by Bahruz Azimov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Educational Student Loan Fund, Agcha Mammadov, Agamusa Isazadeh employees of the Fund and representatives of student NGOs of Baku Slavic University.


A meeting with a group of members of the Parliament was held at the Educational Student Loan Fund.

The meeting was attended by Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Board of the Fund, members of the Parliament Malahat Ibrahimgizi, Konul Nurullayeva, Tamam Jafarova, Rashad Mahmudov, Mushfiq Mammadli, Sadagat Valiyeva, Etibar Aliyev, Aliyev Rauf and Kamila Aliyeva.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited the Azerbaijan Cooperation University.

Bahruz Azimov, Deputy Chairman of the Board, employees of the Fund Agca Mammadova, Agamusa Isazade, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Fikret Guliyev, Head of the Academic Affairs Department Vahid Garayli, Deputy Chief Accountant Azer Gurbanzade, Assistant to Vice Rector for Science and Innovation Gulsum Khaligova, press and public representatives met with Tamerlan Akbarov, Head of Student Affairs Service and Nahid Asadzade, Chairman of Student Youth Organization.


A briefing was held with education experts and media representatives at the Educational Student Loan Fund.

On April 7, with the participation of education experts Kamran Asadov, Farhad Parvizi and Adil Veliyev, Chairman of the Board of Educational Student Loan Fund Araz Pashayev held a briefing with media representatives.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited Baku Engineering University.

The meeting was attended by Bahruz Azimov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Educational Student Loan Fund, and other employees of the Fund - Agcha Mammadova, Agamusa Isazade, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Professor Gamzaga Orujov, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Bayram Huseynzadeh, Head of Academic Affairs Department Ramil Hajiyev.


A meeting was held with the Chairpersons of TGTs at the Educational Student Loan Fund.

On 6 April, under the Chairmanship of Ordukhan Kahramanzadeh, Secretary General of the Union of Student Youth Organisations of Azerbaijan, a meeting with the Chairpersons of TGTs was held at the Educational Student Loan Fund.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited Azerbaijan University.

Tahir Khalafov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Education Student Loan Fund and other employees of the Fund, Emin Sheydayev, Gunay Bakhishova, Head of the Public Relations Department of University Lala Dilanova, as well as the heads of the faculties, TGT Chairman and Volunteer Coordinator participated in the meeting.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited Odlar Yurdu University.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Board of Education Student Loan Fund Bahruz Azimov and Fund employee Emin Sheydayev, vice-rector for the organization of teaching and new learning technologies of the University Gabil Gafarov, head of the United Faculties department Aynura Gurbanova, head of the Information and Public Relations Department Roya Valiyeva, TGT and TEC- leaders, and tutors.


Representatives of the Education Student Loan Fund visited the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University.

There was a meeting between representatives of the Fund, Tehranag Abdullayev and Agcha Mammadova; Elay Zeynalli, Head of the Educational Department of the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University; Khalisa Nasibova, Deputy Director of the Educational Department; Elchin Nasirov, Chief Specialist of the Educational Department; Ainur Huseynova, specialist Saadat Safarova and other Deputy Deans and Academic Advisors.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited the Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sports.

The meeting was attended by Bahruz Azimov, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Fund, Agcha Mammadova, Aghamusa Isazade, employees of the Fund, and representatives of student social organizations of the Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sports.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited Baku Slavic University

The meeting was attended by Bahruz Azimov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Educational Student Loan Fund, Agcha Mammadov, Agamusa Isazadeh employees of the Fund and representatives of student NGOs of Baku Slavic University.


A meeting with a group of members of the Parliament was held at the Educational Student Loan Fund.

The meeting was attended by Araz Pashayev, Chairman of the Board of the Fund, members of the Parliament Malahat Ibrahimgizi, Konul Nurullayeva, Tamam Jafarova, Rashad Mahmudov, Mushfiq Mammadli, Sadagat Valiyeva, Etibar Aliyev, Aliyev Rauf and Kamila Aliyeva.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited the Azerbaijan Cooperation University.

Bahruz Azimov, Deputy Chairman of the Board, employees of the Fund Agca Mammadova, Agamusa Isazade, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Fikret Guliyev, Head of the Academic Affairs Department Vahid Garayli, Deputy Chief Accountant Azer Gurbanzade, Assistant to Vice Rector for Science and Innovation Gulsum Khaligova, press and public representatives met with Tamerlan Akbarov, Head of Student Affairs Service and Nahid Asadzade, Chairman of Student Youth Organization.


A briefing was held with education experts and media representatives at the Educational Student Loan Fund.

On April 7, with the participation of education experts Kamran Asadov, Farhad Parvizi and Adil Veliyev, Chairman of the Board of Educational Student Loan Fund Araz Pashayev held a briefing with media representatives.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited Baku Engineering University.

The meeting was attended by Bahruz Azimov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Educational Student Loan Fund, and other employees of the Fund - Agcha Mammadova, Agamusa Isazade, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Professor Gamzaga Orujov, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Bayram Huseynzadeh, Head of Academic Affairs Department Ramil Hajiyev.


A meeting was held with the Chairpersons of TGTs at the Educational Student Loan Fund.

On 6 April, under the Chairmanship of Ordukhan Kahramanzadeh, Secretary General of the Union of Student Youth Organisations of Azerbaijan, a meeting with the Chairpersons of TGTs was held at the Educational Student Loan Fund.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited Azerbaijan University.

Tahir Khalafov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Education Student Loan Fund and other employees of the Fund, Emin Sheydayev, Gunay Bakhishova, Head of the Public Relations Department of University Lala Dilanova, as well as the heads of the faculties, TGT Chairman and Volunteer Coordinator participated in the meeting.


Representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund visited Odlar Yurdu University.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Board of Education Student Loan Fund Bahruz Azimov and Fund employee Emin Sheydayev, vice-rector for the organization of teaching and new learning technologies of the University Gabil Gafarov, head of the United Faculties department Aynura Gurbanova, head of the Information and Public Relations Department Roya Valiyeva, TGT and TEC- leaders, and tutors.


Representatives of the Education Student Loan Fund visited the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University.

There was a meeting between representatives of the Fund, Tehranag Abdullayev and Agcha Mammadova; Elay Zeynalli, Head of the Educational Department of the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University; Khalisa Nasibova, Deputy Director of the Educational Department; Elchin Nasirov, Chief Specialist of the Educational Department; Ainur Huseynova, specialist Saadat Safarova and other Deputy Deans and Academic Advisors.


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