
Educational Student Loan Fund staff met with students from the College of Music at the National Conservatory of Music and the College of Art at ADRA.

The meetings were attended by college administrators, representatives of the Executive Team of Loan Fund, college professors, and students themselves.


The representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund held meetings with students from Baku Eurasia College, Sumgayit State Technical College, Sumgayit Medical College, and Odlar Yurdu College.

The meetings were attended by the leadership teams of the colleges, representatives from the Administration Board of the Education Student Loan Fund, the teaching staff, and the students.


The Chairman of the Board of the Educational Loan Fund, Araz Pashayev, held a meeting with nearly 250 students studying at various educational institutions.

The Chairman of the Educational Student Loan Fund, Araz Pashayev, held an online meeting with around 250 students from various educational institutions.


The representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund had a meeting with students of the Social-Economic College near UNEC, Baku Technical College, Construction College - Azmiu, and Baku Food Industry College near UNEC to carry out promotion and awaren

During the meeting, the leaders of the colleges, representatives of the Management Board of the Student Loan Fund, the teaching staff, and the students participated


On May 5, meetings were held with students of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical College near ADPU, Economics and Humanities College near Baku State University, Communications and Transportation College, and Azerbaijan Finance-Economics College near ADIU.

The meetings were attended by the leadership teams of the colleges, representatives of the Management Board of the Educational Student Loan Fund, the faculty of the colleges, and the students.


There was a presentation of the Educational Student Loan Fund for students of the University of Azerbaijan receiving a fee-based education.

The event provided information on the activities and operations of the Fund, as well as the rules for granting educational loans


A meeting between students of Baku Oil and Energy College and the Educational Student Loan Fund was held at ADNSU

The meeting was attended by Huseyn Huseynov, Deputy Director for Educational Work, Deputy Director of Educational Affairs ,Ahmadova Shahnisa, Bahruz Azimov,Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Educational Loan Fund, Turane Karimova, an employee of the Fund, teachers and students of the college


Araz Pashayev, the Chairman of the Board of Educational Student Loan Fund of the Sumgait State University met with Mushfig Mammadli, a member of the Health, Science and Education Committees of the National Assembly of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to discus

In his opening speech at the event, the rector of the university, Professor Elshan Huseynov, welcomed the guests and participants and emphasized the importance of the Student Loan Fund, which provides financial support to students from more vulnerable families.


A meeting was held between students of the College of Humanities at ADMU and the Educational Student Loan Fund.

The meeting was attended by Deputy for Educational Affairs ,Kamran Mənsimov, Director of the College Nərmin Qaralova, employees of the Fund Tehranaga Abdullayev and Orkhan Abbasov, the teaching staff of the College and students. The Educational Student Loan Fund continues to hold meetings with students of both institutions of higher education and vocational colleges in order to promote and raise awareness about education.


A meeting was held between the students of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and Educational Student Loan Fund.

The meeting was attended by Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Eldar Aslanov, Vice-rector for Social and Humanitarian Affairs Fikret Rzayev, Deputy Chairman of the Fund Bahruz Azimov, employees of the Fund, university lecturers and students. The Student Loan Fund continues to organize a series of meetings with university students in order to raise awareness and education about the loan programs.


Educational Student Loan Fund staff met with students from the College of Music at the National Conservatory of Music and the College of Art at ADRA.

The meetings were attended by college administrators, representatives of the Executive Team of Loan Fund, college professors, and students themselves.


The representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund held meetings with students from Baku Eurasia College, Sumgayit State Technical College, Sumgayit Medical College, and Odlar Yurdu College.

The meetings were attended by the leadership teams of the colleges, representatives from the Administration Board of the Education Student Loan Fund, the teaching staff, and the students.


The Chairman of the Board of the Educational Loan Fund, Araz Pashayev, held a meeting with nearly 250 students studying at various educational institutions.

The Chairman of the Educational Student Loan Fund, Araz Pashayev, held an online meeting with around 250 students from various educational institutions.


The representatives of the Educational Student Loan Fund had a meeting with students of the Social-Economic College near UNEC, Baku Technical College, Construction College - Azmiu, and Baku Food Industry College near UNEC to carry out promotion and awaren

During the meeting, the leaders of the colleges, representatives of the Management Board of the Student Loan Fund, the teaching staff, and the students participated


On May 5, meetings were held with students of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical College near ADPU, Economics and Humanities College near Baku State University, Communications and Transportation College, and Azerbaijan Finance-Economics College near ADIU.

The meetings were attended by the leadership teams of the colleges, representatives of the Management Board of the Educational Student Loan Fund, the faculty of the colleges, and the students.


There was a presentation of the Educational Student Loan Fund for students of the University of Azerbaijan receiving a fee-based education.

The event provided information on the activities and operations of the Fund, as well as the rules for granting educational loans


A meeting between students of Baku Oil and Energy College and the Educational Student Loan Fund was held at ADNSU

The meeting was attended by Huseyn Huseynov, Deputy Director for Educational Work, Deputy Director of Educational Affairs ,Ahmadova Shahnisa, Bahruz Azimov,Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Educational Loan Fund, Turane Karimova, an employee of the Fund, teachers and students of the college


Araz Pashayev, the Chairman of the Board of Educational Student Loan Fund of the Sumgait State University met with Mushfig Mammadli, a member of the Health, Science and Education Committees of the National Assembly of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to discus

In his opening speech at the event, the rector of the university, Professor Elshan Huseynov, welcomed the guests and participants and emphasized the importance of the Student Loan Fund, which provides financial support to students from more vulnerable families.


A meeting was held between students of the College of Humanities at ADMU and the Educational Student Loan Fund.

The meeting was attended by Deputy for Educational Affairs ,Kamran Mənsimov, Director of the College Nərmin Qaralova, employees of the Fund Tehranaga Abdullayev and Orkhan Abbasov, the teaching staff of the College and students. The Educational Student Loan Fund continues to hold meetings with students of both institutions of higher education and vocational colleges in order to promote and raise awareness about education.


A meeting was held between the students of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and Educational Student Loan Fund.

The meeting was attended by Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Eldar Aslanov, Vice-rector for Social and Humanitarian Affairs Fikret Rzayev, Deputy Chairman of the Fund Bahruz Azimov, employees of the Fund, university lecturers and students. The Student Loan Fund continues to organize a series of meetings with university students in order to raise awareness and education about the loan programs.


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