
The first Graduation Day was held at the Vocational Education Center under the Economic Zones Development Agency.

Bahruz Azimov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of TTKF, who participated in the event, noted that the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills acquired by the students of the Center, which was established by the relevant Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and has been operating since 2020, provide ample opportunities to become competitive qualified personnel in the modern labor market. creates.


Education Student Loan Fund – 3 years is a start.

After Azerbaijan gained independence, the development of education became one of the priority areas. As a result of the visionary policy of the great leader, a new era began in the education system of Azerbaijan. Heydar Aliyev's Decree "On the Improvement of the Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan" dated July 13, 2000 marked the beginning of a new stage in the development and improvement of education in Azerbaijan.


Students were presented with certificates.

Certificates were presented to the participants who had experience in the Education Student Loan Fund within the framework of the "Progress Work" project organized by the State Employment Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, in partnership with the Youth Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Union of Student Youth Organizations of Azerbaijan.


Memorandum was signed with Azerbaijan Medical University.

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Education Student Loan Fund and Azerbaijan Medical University on June 7. The Memorandum, which will serve to establish mutually beneficial relations, envisages the organization of joint activities for the purpose of supporting voluntary and internship programs, including seminars and trainings, involving students and graduates in internship programs according to their qualifications, giving priority to students and graduates who have benefited from education student loans if vacancies arise in the relevant field. .


Memorandum was signed between TTKF and Baku Slavic University.

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed with Baku Slavic University on June 6 as a continuation of the work carried out by the Fund in order to improve the employment opportunities of students who benefited from the Educational Student Loan Fund.


TTKF was represented at the 15th Graduate-Career Fair held at ASOSU.

On May 31, the XV Graduate Career Fair was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASU). 110 state institutions and private companies at the exhibition, including the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, SOCAR, State Employment Agency, TTKF, AzerGold JSC, ASAN service, PASHA Insurance JSC, Balakhani Operation Company LTD, Caspian Event Organizers LLC, Bahar Energy Operating Company Limited Representative Office, AzeriMed CSC and other organizations offered more than 1000 job vacancies and about 700 internships.


A job fair was held for students and graduates.

A labor fair was held under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population under the joint organization of the State Employment Agency, Azerbaijan University of Technology, Azerbaijan State Agrarian University and Baku Slavic University.


Information session was held at ADA University.

An information session was held at ADA University on May 29. The Educational Student Loan Fund was also represented at the event held to inform 10-11th grade students and their parents about tuition discounts and educational loans in bachelor's and master's specialties.


"CareerFest BEU 2024" has ended.

Career Festivals are one of the most successful tools in terms of supporting the access of students and graduates to the labor market, ensuring their employment and creating opportunities for young people to find work. The next Career Festival ("CareerFest BEU 2024"), which has become a tradition, was organized at Baku Engineering University. More than 1000 vacancies and internship programs were presented by 104 enterprises at the Festival, where TTKF was also represented.


Awareness measures covered 22 thousand people.

The development of education in Azerbaijan is one of the priority directions of the state policy. Important reforms are being carried out in the field of education, important steps are being taken towards the development of education. One of the clearest examples of the attention and care of the head of the country towards education is the Education Student Loan Fund.


The first Graduation Day was held at the Vocational Education Center under the Economic Zones Development Agency.

Bahruz Azimov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of TTKF, who participated in the event, noted that the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills acquired by the students of the Center, which was established by the relevant Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and has been operating since 2020, provide ample opportunities to become competitive qualified personnel in the modern labor market. creates.


Education Student Loan Fund – 3 years is a start.

After Azerbaijan gained independence, the development of education became one of the priority areas. As a result of the visionary policy of the great leader, a new era began in the education system of Azerbaijan. Heydar Aliyev's Decree "On the Improvement of the Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan" dated July 13, 2000 marked the beginning of a new stage in the development and improvement of education in Azerbaijan.


Students were presented with certificates.

Certificates were presented to the participants who had experience in the Education Student Loan Fund within the framework of the "Progress Work" project organized by the State Employment Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, in partnership with the Youth Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Union of Student Youth Organizations of Azerbaijan.


Memorandum was signed with Azerbaijan Medical University.

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Education Student Loan Fund and Azerbaijan Medical University on June 7. The Memorandum, which will serve to establish mutually beneficial relations, envisages the organization of joint activities for the purpose of supporting voluntary and internship programs, including seminars and trainings, involving students and graduates in internship programs according to their qualifications, giving priority to students and graduates who have benefited from education student loans if vacancies arise in the relevant field. .


Memorandum was signed between TTKF and Baku Slavic University.

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed with Baku Slavic University on June 6 as a continuation of the work carried out by the Fund in order to improve the employment opportunities of students who benefited from the Educational Student Loan Fund.


TTKF was represented at the 15th Graduate-Career Fair held at ASOSU.

On May 31, the XV Graduate Career Fair was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASU). 110 state institutions and private companies at the exhibition, including the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, SOCAR, State Employment Agency, TTKF, AzerGold JSC, ASAN service, PASHA Insurance JSC, Balakhani Operation Company LTD, Caspian Event Organizers LLC, Bahar Energy Operating Company Limited Representative Office, AzeriMed CSC and other organizations offered more than 1000 job vacancies and about 700 internships.


A job fair was held for students and graduates.

A labor fair was held under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population under the joint organization of the State Employment Agency, Azerbaijan University of Technology, Azerbaijan State Agrarian University and Baku Slavic University.


Information session was held at ADA University.

An information session was held at ADA University on May 29. The Educational Student Loan Fund was also represented at the event held to inform 10-11th grade students and their parents about tuition discounts and educational loans in bachelor's and master's specialties.


"CareerFest BEU 2024" has ended.

Career Festivals are one of the most successful tools in terms of supporting the access of students and graduates to the labor market, ensuring their employment and creating opportunities for young people to find work. The next Career Festival ("CareerFest BEU 2024"), which has become a tradition, was organized at Baku Engineering University. More than 1000 vacancies and internship programs were presented by 104 enterprises at the Festival, where TTKF was also represented.


Awareness measures covered 22 thousand people.

The development of education in Azerbaijan is one of the priority directions of the state policy. Important reforms are being carried out in the field of education, important steps are being taken towards the development of education. One of the clearest examples of the attention and care of the head of the country towards education is the Education Student Loan Fund.


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