
Propaganda and agitation work continues.

In order to achieve the main goals of the "Educational Student Loan Fund" established by Decree No. 1367 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 17, 2021 - to ensure access to education for people from low-income groups of the population, to create equal opportunities for education and to expand the scope of education. Propaganda and promotion activities are continued by the fund.


The international conference "Cross-Border Innovation: Strengthening Azerbaijan-Hungary Friendship" was held

An international conference called "Cross-Border Innovation: Strengthening Azerbaijan-Hungary Friendship" was held under the organization of the "Enterprise Azerbaijan" portal operated by the Center for Analysis and Communication of Economic Reforms (IITKM).


Awareness raising continues.

In order to ensure access to education for people from low-income groups, to create equal opportunities for education and to expand the scope of education, the Education Student Loan Fund continues to promote, promote and raise awareness.


Presentations were held in Absheron and Sumgait.

In order to ensure access to education for people from low-income groups, to create equal opportunities in education and to expand the scope of education, the Education Student Loan Fund continues to promote, promote and raise awareness.


A career day was organized for students and graduates looking for a job in the field of hospitality.

On May 4, under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the State Employment Agency, the State Tourism Agency, the State Agency for Vocational Education, the Student Education Credit Fund and the Azerbaijan Hotel Association with the support of the "Absheron Hotel Group" organized careers for students and graduates looking for a job in the field of hospitality. was organized on


Meetings were held with BSU and AZMIU.

In order to support students who have benefited from TTKF to return their education loans after completing their education, work is being continued in the direction of involving them in internship programs in order to increase their employment opportunities and eventually providing them with a job.


Increasing the employment opportunities of students and graduates was discussed.

"It is important to increase joint efforts to improve the employment opportunities of students who have benefited from the Education Student Loan Fund", these views were voiced at a meeting with representatives of the Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management.


TTKF has created new opportunities for students.

"The existence of the Education Student Loan Fund, which includes the world's most advanced practices in Azerbaijan, has created new opportunities for students. TTKF's support for the realization of people's educational dreams and students' education, which implements the mission of supporting the education of young people with poor financial capabilities, has been felt since the first days", said the students who visited the TTKF's stand at the Career Festival held at BSU.


Presentations were held in Ganja, Agdam and Agjabedi.

On April 30, Ganja State University, Azerbaijan University of Technology, regional college under GSU, Ganja Medical College, Ganja State Vocational Education Center for Trade and Service, Ganja City Comprehensive High School No. 39, Agdam College of Technology, Aghjabedi Pedagogical College, Aghjabedi of ADPU branch, secondary school No. 1 named after I. Qayibov, secondary school No. 4 named after Mehdizade, and presentations were held at Azerbaijan State Agrarian University.


Expansion of cooperation with 3 more universities has been agreed.

In order to support students who have benefited from TTKF to return their education loans after completing their education, work is being continued in the direction of involving them in internship programs in order to increase their employment opportunities and eventually providing them with a job.


Propaganda and agitation work continues.

In order to achieve the main goals of the "Educational Student Loan Fund" established by Decree No. 1367 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 17, 2021 - to ensure access to education for people from low-income groups of the population, to create equal opportunities for education and to expand the scope of education. Propaganda and promotion activities are continued by the fund.


The international conference "Cross-Border Innovation: Strengthening Azerbaijan-Hungary Friendship" was held

An international conference called "Cross-Border Innovation: Strengthening Azerbaijan-Hungary Friendship" was held under the organization of the "Enterprise Azerbaijan" portal operated by the Center for Analysis and Communication of Economic Reforms (IITKM).


Awareness raising continues.

In order to ensure access to education for people from low-income groups, to create equal opportunities for education and to expand the scope of education, the Education Student Loan Fund continues to promote, promote and raise awareness.


Presentations were held in Absheron and Sumgait.

In order to ensure access to education for people from low-income groups, to create equal opportunities in education and to expand the scope of education, the Education Student Loan Fund continues to promote, promote and raise awareness.


A career day was organized for students and graduates looking for a job in the field of hospitality.

On May 4, under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the State Employment Agency, the State Tourism Agency, the State Agency for Vocational Education, the Student Education Credit Fund and the Azerbaijan Hotel Association with the support of the "Absheron Hotel Group" organized careers for students and graduates looking for a job in the field of hospitality. was organized on


Meetings were held with BSU and AZMIU.

In order to support students who have benefited from TTKF to return their education loans after completing their education, work is being continued in the direction of involving them in internship programs in order to increase their employment opportunities and eventually providing them with a job.


Increasing the employment opportunities of students and graduates was discussed.

"It is important to increase joint efforts to improve the employment opportunities of students who have benefited from the Education Student Loan Fund", these views were voiced at a meeting with representatives of the Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management.


TTKF has created new opportunities for students.

"The existence of the Education Student Loan Fund, which includes the world's most advanced practices in Azerbaijan, has created new opportunities for students. TTKF's support for the realization of people's educational dreams and students' education, which implements the mission of supporting the education of young people with poor financial capabilities, has been felt since the first days", said the students who visited the TTKF's stand at the Career Festival held at BSU.


Presentations were held in Ganja, Agdam and Agjabedi.

On April 30, Ganja State University, Azerbaijan University of Technology, regional college under GSU, Ganja Medical College, Ganja State Vocational Education Center for Trade and Service, Ganja City Comprehensive High School No. 39, Agdam College of Technology, Aghjabedi Pedagogical College, Aghjabedi of ADPU branch, secondary school No. 1 named after I. Qayibov, secondary school No. 4 named after Mehdizade, and presentations were held at Azerbaijan State Agrarian University.


Expansion of cooperation with 3 more universities has been agreed.

In order to support students who have benefited from TTKF to return their education loans after completing their education, work is being continued in the direction of involving them in internship programs in order to increase their employment opportunities and eventually providing them with a job.


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